TV Land – ALF’s Hit Talk Show

Now don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed ALF. It was an enjoyable show with a sarcastic puppet. I think we all know that sarcastic puppets are gold, but aren’t we beyond the time of ALF? Hasn’t our need for insult hurling puppets been filled by Triumph? Do we really need the reutrn of the walking shag rug from Melmac?

Also, what the hell is Ed McMahon thinking? Playing second fiddle to a puppet?!? He must be making some serious bank to have to spend a work day making conversation to a living room rug with a hand up its ass.

Mind you this IS sour grapes because a puppet can get work on TV and the talented people I used to work with are still “soul searching” for their next gig.

Oh well… now that we’re at the point of reusing the 80’s TV elements maybe that Buck Rogers reunion I’ve been dreaming for is still in my future.

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