Day 29, the day before the last workout. I can’t believe that I have actually done this consistently for nearly a month. I’ve only stuck to an exercise regimen like this once before. I had great results last time and it really looks like I’m going to as well with this one. I feel better about myself, that’s for sure.

After the fact I realized that I may have made a very poor choice when it came to eating lunch today. I made my home made chicken noodle soup. I make it with as little sodium as possible, I make my broth as fat free as possible, and I use whole grain rotini noodles. Even with all of this, however, the sodium still is probably more than you want to have and I plan on weighing in tomorrow. Bad idea if I don’t plan on trying to flush my system with over a gallon of water (and to answer, no I don’t plan on doing that).

Tonight the family went to Round Table for dinner because of the all-you-can eat buffet. I had two helpings of salal and one slice of cheese pizza. I left pretty darn full, don’t recall having anything else. The only thing that I regret is drinking the fountain lemonade and ice tea because I just know that the sugar content is probably off the charts. Again, bad for tomorrow’s weigh in.

I’m set on the idea of using measurements next time to track my progress over weight. In the even that I actually build muscle it will give better results.

Day 30, here I come.


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