Hello, my name is Will Wilkins and my life is controlled by a machine. Allow me to clarify.
I’m one of the many Americans who suffers from sleep apnea. There were many years I spent my days in an exhausted half-awake and zombie like state. Yes I could be lucid but I was in pain the whole time due to the weariness that I felt. After being diagnosed with sleep apnea I received my CPAP machine and I felt human and normal again.
Since moving to our new home in September of last year I have been tired. I should have recognized the fact that I was feeling the same way I did before but I never recognized it. I didn’t acknowledge my extreme dependency on coffee to sustain myself during the day. I basically ignored everything that I had gone through pre-CPAP that I was once again experiencing. Why? I suppose when you are living I’n the moment that is just your reality.
My wife and daughter both mentioned recently hearing me snore. This shouldn’t be possible on a CPAP so on a whim I found out how to review my machines settings. I was both shocked and pleased to see that the air pressure was a full two points lower than my prescribed level. I wasn’t tired and miserable because of me, t was because the machine somehow reset back to the factory defaults.
Needless to say I’m normal again. I didn’t need my coffee this morning, instead I’m sipping and enjoying it.
Quality sleep really is important folks.