Day 28 of My 30 Day Challenge
Had an interesting fluke happen this morning when I woke up that is going to potentially impact my my 30 day challenge. Last night when I wrote off finishing my work out I paused it. I woke up this morning and figured I would finish up the workout. Because this was the next day the […]
Day 27 of My 30 Day Challenge
Today was a very interesting day however it was not a good day as far as it came to sticking with the challenge. I woke to go through the motions of my workout but I woke late. Knowing this I decided I would do 10 minutes of the workout and then this evening I would […]
Day 26 of My 30 Day Challenge
I suppose I should look at the challenge calendar a little bit closer the next time I spend part of my day feeling guilty for not exercising. I’d been so used to the 2 day on, one day off pattern that I thought I was set to exercise today. To my surprise, however, I discovered […]
Day 25 of My 30 Day Challenge
I have a bit of advice to anyone that is using the EA Sports Active: If you decide to do some make-up exercising to cover what you may have thought were shortcomings, don’t make them exercises in the same muscle groups as the workout you are scheduled to do the next day! Last night I […]
Day 24 of My 30 Day Challenge
Before I get into anything else I’d like to thank all of my friends and family on some great recovery techniques after yesterday’s blood donation adventure. I did just about everything that everyone suggested and finally felt human enough to do my workout at around 9 PM. The only thing I couldn’t bring myself to […]