Proof I Want to Punish Myself

Today I write within this online journal with the hopes of committing my fears to the digital medium and as such purging them from my system so I can keep my mind on work. I don’t know if it will work but it can not hurt to try. I don’t know if there is an […]

Show me the way to go gnome…

Where the heck did January go? It was just here a second ago!?! So far there has been no new news on the Gnome front. Each day passes and nothing. It is kind of like ordering something through a catalog. You know something is due to arrive but the when just kind if jangs out […]

2009 Already?

Hello whoever the heck reads this. Welcome to the New Year. Between my last post and this one I have received a letter from my missing garden gnome McMullen. Apparently he and his wife Isabella were confused when they woke up to find themselves on a strange porch (we moved in October and apparently when […]

It’s Coming…

Today is Monday, I am on a commuter train bound for San Francisco and I am scared. I am sure that the above statement implies that there is some type of disaster or tradgedy occuring (problem with the tracks, medical emergency, giant monster terrorizing the city) however my fear has nothing to do with the […]

TWILIGHT at Midnight (a continuation on a theme)

Last night I was at the movies far later than I should have been. Originally it was in order to chaperon my nieces as they went to camp/wait for the first showing of Twilight (because going with Mom or Dad isn’t cool) but their Mom went anyway that and I was still going with them. […]