Feeling Gnomely

It is now November 14 and there has been no Gnome news. I am left fearing the worst and wonder if McMullen and bride are now gone forever. -WW

If the world could vote?

If the world could vote? I like it when people do things that can give us a global example about our nation’s issues. I often wonder how we are perceived, what people think of our choices, our leaders, etc. This venture by a few folk in Iceland is the exact type of thing that I […]

Hi! I’m an idiot!

Today is November 2nd. It is two days after Halloween. Do you remember what happened to me last Halloween? You would think that after last year I would have learned my lesson. It isn’t a hard one to learn. If you have a night where strangers (or friends and family) are going to be walking […]

Yes on Hate?

I’ve just decided not to send an email. I won’t say where it came from, I won’t say where I didn’t send it to. I am publishing this email however because I just can’t stomach what I see going on around me with Proposition 8 in California (or Proposition H8 as I think of it). […]

The Beast of Technology Continues to Roar

Roughly 10 years ago I asked a friend if I could use the journaling code that he had written on my own site. It was a nice bit of code that would read text files in a directory, use their file name to extrapolate a date, and display it all on a web page, one […]