You Can’t Stop the Signal…

Back in 2001, when I first started prattling on electronically, I started to title every entry that I wrote with a quote from the movie that I had on at the time. Tonight’s is brought to you by a middle of the night showing of Serenity on one of the five HBO channels that I […]

A Labor of Love

This evening I’ve been doing something that at first I thought was really silly that in the long run has been really informative and weird. Right now, if you are reading this, then are reading my blog on its new server. I did this to save money (because this is a much better hosting plan) […]

Escape from L.A.

Many moons ago (I don’t really know what that means, but always like the way it sounded) I was able to undo one of the most gratifying mistakes in my life: moving to Los Angeles. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure for many people Los Angeles has great benefits. It’s close to the ocean, the […]

A little over a month away…

Folks, I’ve seen this movie. You will want to see this movie too. Trust me. It provided far more laughs then that movie with the kid putting his shmengle in a desert… July 21st, 2006… see it and the person of your dreams will want you.


I just finished reading Stephen King’s new zombie tribute book Cell. I read the book in two days, which isn’t saying anything about its page count so much as my inability to put the book down. A few months back Entertinment Weekly actually had the first few pages of the book in their magazine. I […]