My Boring Ass Life� The Middle East

My Boring Ass Life – The Middle East I was going to sit down and write a bunch of real purty words and put them into an amazingly funny and entertaining story here, but then I read the above and realized that I’ve still got some work to do until I can compete.

Loneliest Space on the Internet…

I haven’t written anything in here for a while… again. The thing that gets me is that there is actually plenty that I would normally like to write about. I don’t know who in the world would even be interested in reading about it, but just the same at least 100 stupid things traverse the […]

Howard Stern Bids Farewell to His Fans

Howard Stern Walks, Free Speech Hurts Contrary to what you think I may be pushing with linking this article, I’m not here to talk about Howard Stern leaving terrestrial radio. I’m not here to talk about how his move could be the biggest success or failure for Sirius Satellite Radio. I’m not here to talk […]

The Most Useless Space on the Internet

Once again I’m sitting here realizing I have done very little to nothing with the fact that I have a Blog. Considering that there are probably 4 billion blogs out there right now I’m not surprised that I don’t do much with this thing. Why bother really? Does anyone know this blog exists? Does anyone […]

Movin’ on up…

So quite a few things have happened since I last sat down to even document anything that goes on in my life. The first is that I received a promotion at work. This is an exciting thing for me because it is a promotion that finally puts me in the “put up or shut up” […]