11 Days Later…
My Guilty Pleasure – Big Brother on CBS Updates (Quick View) Well, so much for my big speach about being accountable and taking control of my life. After spending a week buried in a haze after my small battle with pneumonia I continued to spend another week lying to myself that I was still in […]
Wow… WTF happened?!?
Pneumonia: Is it contagious? There’s no entry for yesterday with very good reason. The dizzines that I wrote about on the 2nd was the harbinger of the early stages of pneumonia (at least that is what the doctor thinks right now). Let me walk you through my Wednesday of stupidity. August 3rd, 2005 7:05 am […]
Day 2: What about carbs?
Carb-makers rejoice at demise of Atkins empire / Bankruptcy shows diet is ‘too extreme’ for U.S., baker says I never tried the low-carb life style, and I was very pleased to find on the list I linked to in yesterday’s entry mentioned to combine protein and carbs with every meal. I like carbs. Granted in […]
Day 1: Where to start?
Body-for-LIFE Ten Nutrition Tips According to this article, the first thing on their list is to eat six small meals a day rather then three big ones. I tried doing this today and discovered some very interesting things. The first thing that I discovered is that after having my small breakfast, my small mid-morning snack […]
I’m so fucking fat…
I installed one of these today without a single leak! Now usually I wouldn’t make the type of comment like “I’m so fucking fat.” I know I’m fat and since I don’t do anything about it I don’t complain about it (other then occasionaly mentioning things like, “Damn I can’t breathe” or “Damn I can’t […]