Online pirates pounce on new Harry Potter book

Expecto Ripoffem! OK, so seven months ago I posted that I’d be there the night the book was released. Guess what? I was. I, however, wasn’t one of these people that ripped off the book, scanned it, and posted it. I’m still trying to figure out exactly what establishment these thieves are fighting by doing […]

WordPress comment spam stoppage techniques

DIE SPAMMER SCUM! Because I’m so engrossed in technology the modern day plague known as SPAM (not to mention adware and spyware) annoys me to no end. That annoyance got a whole lot bigger the other day when I noticed that there were comments in this long forgotten Blog requiring my attention. What to my […]

Developers get taste of Intel-based Macs | CNET

Developers get taste of Intel-based Macs | CNET OK, the truth of the matter is I love my Macintosh. I’ve got a 17″ PowerBook and it makes me feel hip, young and cool. I understand that the same can be said for buying extremely expensive foreign sports cars, but I can afford the PowerBook. […]

Since it is the time for toys…

Konfabulator! A friend told me I had to get Konfabulator! Now usually I don’t like putting anything on my computer that doesn’t serve some type of real purpose so seeing this had me very hesitant. Why would I want to load something that would just eat up memory that could be used for other vital […]