How about all those things I wrote, huh?

I really had the best of intentions when I said that I would sit down and write something every day this year. It was aggressive, it was bold, and it was just a senseless and stupid thing to try to do. I know that saying a goal of trying to improve my writing by actually […]

Whoah…. Idol huh?

I was very (and shockingly) pleased with American Idol last night. I guess I should hop over to The Televisionist and write about it. -Will


Sometimes you start a goal with the best if intentions thinking that with all of the tools available it should be pretty easy to do. Writing here everyday was the idea. Performing it in a practical fashion appears not to be. I originally thought that with the WordPress app and my iPhone I could easily […]

My Life and the Machine

Hello, my name is Will Wilkins and my life is controlled by a machine. Allow me to clarify. I’m one of the many Americans who suffers from sleep apnea. There were many years I spent my days in an exhausted half-awake and zombie like state. Yes I could be lucid but I was in pain […]

Writing on a Sunday

Sundays are TV Or Not TV days. Once again nothing really to write here since I’ll be writing somewhere else. -Will