Back to the Grind

Today was my first day back at work in 10 days. Amazingly I got out of bed on-time, had a reasonable commute, and the work day went by quickly. It was everything you could ask for out of a work day if you don’t get to work from home. Time and time again I think […]

Did a lot, but what?

There are days where I get up an intend to get a lot accomplished. I’ve got a huge situation in my garage that needs to be sorted out, a home office to still complete and organize, and about 20 other projects I want to complete that are just nagging me in the back of my […]

Still has that New Year smell…

Hello world, it’s me… Will. How you doing? I haven’t just written anything here in a while so I thought maybe I should check back in. I know that there aren’t any regular readers of this space on the Internet (myself included) but I’ve got a lofty goal for 2011: I’m going to write something […]

A Shamrock Blessing in Disguise

Sometimes the decisions of corporate America completely astound me but in the end I am kind of glad that things shook out the way they did. Allow me to explain. This evening, after a last minute trip to Target so I could have a green shirt to wear tomorrow for St. Patrick’s Day, somehow the […]

What I Can’t Know Ends Delightfully

I don’t know about everyone else in the world but each year as February 14th approaches I begin to feel a little bit of pressure and panic. I don’t know why I do since just about every year for Valentine’s Day I’ve provided to my lovely bride what I have affectionately coined a complete and […]