Every day I see something knew and every once in a while I see something I just don’t understand. Today is one of those days.
While sitting on the BART train for my wonderful morning commute I looked up and saw someone facing away from me. This guy looked like and ordinary guy, ordinary clothes, no visible ink. The puzzling thing about this guy, however, was the fact that his ear was pierced from top to bottom so that right next to his head there is a metal bar visible over the opening of the ear (imagine a single jail cell bar covering part of the ear).
This looks to me to be one of the most painful piercings for something so subtle. I don’t understand why someone would subject themselves to this type of pain to achieve such a subtle sign of individualism or rebellion. Than again I really don’t get the piercing craze in general. Same thing with ink. The only thing I think of when I see these people with sleeve tatoos and small plates in their ear lobes is, “How is that going to look when you are 65?”. Do these people even ponder this or do they just live in the now? I am dying to know.
In a completely unrelated topic I just have to say how insanely in love with my wife I am. Our marriage has had a really big revival of our love and dedication to one another and I can’t believe how after fourteen years of marriage we can actually still get closer and stronger in our relationship. Finding your one true love in life is a one in a million shot and I can’t believe in love I hit the jackpot.
I love you SO very much, Baby. You are amazing and I’m SO grateful we have each other.