Meeting the Challenge
One of the best feelings in the world is setting a goal and meeting that goal. It can be something as small as finally organizing your closet or something big like sticking to a savings plan and having enough money to buy a house/retire. Goals are good because they help us to feel that we […]
Day 30 of My 30 Day Challenge
Here is the way I’m sure you wouldn’t expect the last day of my 30 day challenge to start:Yesterday I gave in to many many demons. No I didn’t go on a sugar consuming binge, I just didn’t have as much restraint. It all started out with me not feeling very awake when I did […]
Day 29 of My 30 Day Challenge
Day 29, the day before the last workout. I can’t believe that I have actually done this consistently for nearly a month. I’ve only stuck to an exercise regimen like this once before. I had great results last time and it really looks like I’m going to as well with this one. I feel better […]
Day 28 of My 30 Day Challenge
Had an interesting fluke happen this morning when I woke up that is going to potentially impact my my 30 day challenge. Last night when I wrote off finishing my work out I paused it. I woke up this morning and figured I would finish up the workout. Because this was the next day the […]
Day 27 of My 30 Day Challenge
Today was a very interesting day however it was not a good day as far as it came to sticking with the challenge. I woke to go through the motions of my workout but I woke late. Knowing this I decided I would do 10 minutes of the workout and then this evening I would […]