Day 26 of My 30 Day Challenge
I suppose I should look at the challenge calendar a little bit closer the next time I spend part of my day feeling guilty for not exercising. I’d been so used to the 2 day on, one day off pattern that I thought I was set to exercise today. To my surprise, however, I discovered […]
Day 25 of My 30 Day Challenge
I have a bit of advice to anyone that is using the EA Sports Active: If you decide to do some make-up exercising to cover what you may have thought were shortcomings, don’t make them exercises in the same muscle groups as the workout you are scheduled to do the next day! Last night I […]
Day 24 of My 30 Day Challenge
Before I get into anything else I’d like to thank all of my friends and family on some great recovery techniques after yesterday’s blood donation adventure. I did just about everything that everyone suggested and finally felt human enough to do my workout at around 9 PM. The only thing I couldn’t bring myself to […]
Day 23 of My 30 Day Challenge
So a funny thing happened to me today and because of it I’m going to have to make up for my workout tomorrow (yipee… Friday, Saturday AND Sunday exercising!). On the walk in to work there was a blood drive at Embarcadero 3 in San Francisco. I’m all for giving blood when I am eligible […]
Day 22 of My 30 Day Challenge
For the first time in over six years I can say that I weigh less than 290 pounds. I have been maintaining for a while without doing a lot of exercise so I have been waiting and ready for this. I can’t believe the prime motivator in change has been a “video game.” Thank EA […]