Roughly 10 years ago I asked a friend if I could use the journaling code that he had written on my own site. It was a nice bit of code that would read text files in a directory, use their file name to extrapolate a date, and display it all on a web page, one day at a time, with a calendar that you coils use to navigate this online journal. A very rare few, if any, knew what a blog was at the time (note to self: look up when term blog became part of the Internet lexicon), heck even I didn’t. I, however, wanted to write about my observations and for some reason felt compelled to share them.
Now, 10 years later, I am sitting on a BART train and I am able to use my cell phone to update a blog. More amazing to me than this technological is the fact that I am now at a place in my life where I can really use the term “10 years later…”. My oh my, the time does fly.