Once again I’m sitting here realizing I have done very little to nothing with the fact that I have a Blog. Considering that there are probably 4 billion blogs out there right now I’m not surprised that I don’t do much with this thing. Why bother really? Does anyone know this blog exists? Does anyone really care what some average joe schmuck has to say about things that go on in his world or his observations there of? I would wager that the answer to most of the questions would be no or not really or some other appropriate negative response. In the face of all of this I find myself here, typing, doing the Internet equivelent of becoming the tree that falls in the woods that no one is around to hear (read, whatever).
To allow everyone to catch up with where I am in comparison to where I was the last time I took the time to sit down and record any and all of this: I have lost very little to no weight, I still love and adore my wife and daughter, and I survived the move from one office to another.
Although I had the intention of saying more prior to this very moment I’ve now been so distracted I’m just going to end this here and now. Mayber I’ll type something more later, maybe I won’t. Who knows?