January 14, 2015 @ 7:03 AM (Penalty Entry #1)
A little earlier this morning I posted the first entry in this blog in quite some time. That time stamp reference at the top is so you know when I really wrote this.
I’m currently in the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) subway tunnels under Oakland because of several medical emergencies and other major issues. This is an extraordinary day of delays, but lately the BART system seems to have minor issues just about every day. Please don’t misunderstand me, I’m sure a major transit system has minor issues every day that some of us are never aware of. I’m talking about full system impacting minor issues.
I also realize I’ve been riding the BART system ever since I was 7 years old, and I’m entering into my 9th year of taking this train just about every weekday. That’s a lot of time that I’ve spent sitting and letting someone else get me to where I’m going. I’ve spent a lot of money riding this system, but thankfully that also extends the life of my car.
I don’t know why those random thoughts entered my head just now, especially since I wanted to sit down and complain about podcasting technology and its shortcomings. Maybe I should tie this one up and move on to the next penalty entry to do that.