Sometimes you start a goal with the best if intentions thinking that with all of the tools available it should be pretty easy to do. Writing here everyday was the idea. Performing it in a practical fashion appears not to be.

I originally thought that with the WordPress app and my iPhone I could easily write in here every day. The logic seemed simple and sound. It’s far easier and less cumbersome than trying to use my laptop on the train. I’m sure it doesn’t do much for my thumbs trying to tap this all out but it doesn’t bother me yet. So what could be the issue?

I’m having a go at this again because they just updated the iPhone app. Prior to this, as can be seen in a fee posts, there was some issue with line breaks. Somehow the app was putting them in prematurely or by it’s own character count standard. This produces a choppy looking article that you then have to fix later. I’m not saying that I don’t have enough time to do this, but we aren’t talking video or audio here so I shouldn’t have to “fix it in post.”

So that’s the deal. This entry was done to see if the issue has been fixed or not. If it hasn’t I will finally bite the bullet and just haul out the ol’ laptop.


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