Because I’m so engrossed in technology the modern day plague known as SPAM (not to mention adware and spyware) annoys me to no end. That annoyance got a whole lot bigger the other day when I noticed that there were comments in this long forgotten Blog requiring my attention. What to my wondering eyes did appear? Spam in my comments just waiting to get cleared. Pricks.
I’m really curious to know the conversion rate that these spammer and comment spammer assholes get on their bullshit invasion tactics. Who are the assholes that are actually giving them conversion numbers at all by actually buying in to the product or service these frickin’ spammers are even pushing? (Seriously, do you really need to get prescription medications, rolex watches, computer software, repair your credit or get a degree quickly from a credited university? Even if you do need any of the above do you really want to try to do so by going through information delivered to you by some annonymous asshole who is annoying the piss out of everyone else in the free world? If your life were on the line you wouldn’t seek medical advice from a pop-up, right?)
Screw it… I’m going to go to sleep now since I have to start turning tricks for the man again in less then 7 hours.