One of the things that I have always enjoyed in life was writing. I have no idea why. For some reason letting the words flow from my mind into a form of print medium always relaxes me, makes me feel better about myself, and is darned fun.
A lot of writers tell you that the first thing to start writing about is what you know. If there is one thing I (regrettably) know a lot about, it’s television.
On a side note, this first column… good or bad… I would like to dedicate here to my father. He always encouraged me to read, no matter what I read, because he felt it was the cornerstone of keeping ones mind sharp. This made me love reading, lead my desire to write, and eventually got me here (and there). This first one is for you Dad.
So, head over to Quick Stop Entertainment, if you would please, and partake of what will undoubtedly become more of an Internet destination than Perez Hilton… heh… right.