I really don’t know which is more nerdy: blogging itself or blogging via iPhone on the commuter train. My initial guess is the latter and sadly it is what I am doing.
Yesterday’s experiment was a definite success. People who I know for a fact don’t read this site actually reached out to say hello. This isn’t to say I am not an annoyance to those that •I• message on a daily basis, but it does make me feel better I know that there are people out there that want to actually talk to me.
Last night I upgraded the software powering this site. After doing so I discovered a feature I wasn’t aware of and boy was it uplifting. Turns out that there is a feature that hits up Google to see how many others sites are linking to this site or aticles within. The number of incoming links on this bad boy? That’s a big fat goose egg! Yay blog!
By the way, I just have to say that I really hate the term blog. It is one of those lame and made up Internet terms created originally by open-source elitists who didn’t want ordinary people to know what they were talking about (and makes me feel like a dork even saying). This site isn’t a blog, it is my online journal that I write in because I like to write (however poorly the job may be… seriously I am 37 years old and I still have a had time using then and than properly). I don’t blog, I won’t blog, I just write. End of story.
Time to enter the Trans-Bay Tube, so that’s it for now.
Your experiment was a total success. Because of you I now use the Y! messenger again. I don’t think I’ve used one in, um, about 5 years.
I love you.