I realized just now on my commute to work today that I’ve been talking about my workouts but I haven’t been talking at all about what intensity I’ve been doing them at.
For the EA Sports Active I initially chose the High Intensity workout and I’ve been sticking with this level because I like to sweat when I work out, even though in general I hate perspiration. During a workout though it helps to make you feel like you are actually achieving something.
Day 7 was more about upper body strength with a little bit of lower leg and core worked in (meaning your core muscles: stomach, lower back). I had my second experience with the Wii Fit Board integration in the cardio boxing combo exercise. This addition really made the boxing portion less monotonous and more enjoyable. It’s especially nice to see the bag fall down when you’re done with the workout.
It turns out, however, that my 30 Day Challenge is now going to be a 38 day challenge. Due to a lapse in attention (and a lack of eyeglasses) I accidentally hit Start Over and completed that request. This means that I’m starting from Day 1 again tomorrow. I hate the thought of the set-back in the workout intensity but I would have started another 30 day challenge anyway after this one so I’m just making the workout go a little bit longer. Is there really any detriment in having to work out more than originally anticipated? The only bad thing (not that this is really a bad thing) is that I’ll have 3 days of exercise in a row before my 1 rest/off day. I’m OK with that.
As I mentioned in Day 1 I’ve also added a higher resistance band to the mix. I had to smash the plastic grips off of the cloth straps so I could hold the remotes but it works really good. Maybe too good. I might be bordering on muscle building with this medium level of tension. This, again, isn’t necessarily a bad thing. The only detriment is that the cloth isn’t as soft on the hands as the band provided with the game so I may have to actually start wearing gloves to stop the strap from rubbing me the wrong way.
So that’s it in a nutshell. I guess for tomorrow I’ll just say it is Day 8 of my 30 Day Challenge and I will just keep blogging about things that way. Day 1 had a lot of squats/legs in it so I’m going to burn tomorrow morning for sure.