There really isn’t much to say other than the fact that today was a day of rest and I did, in fact, not do any exercise today outside of walking to and from work… at least I don’t think I did.

Near the end of the day I did actually fire up the Wii and put together a custom upper body workout that I almost went through. In the end I just wasn’t feeling it.

I’m getting more and more concerned about my left knee however. The intermediate pain that was occurring on the inside of my left knee appears to have now gone to persistent. It’s almost on the inside, with the same sharp pain that occasionally occurs on what feels like the kneecap itself. I guess I’m just going to have to cave in and schedule an appointment with my GP to take the initial look and than get the referral. Have to get rid of the pain but not looking forward to navigating the wonders of the HMO system.


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