Before I get into anything else I’d like to thank all of my friends and family on some great recovery techniques after yesterday’s blood donation adventure. I did just about everything that everyone suggested and finally felt human enough to do my workout at around 9 PM. The only thing I couldn’t bring myself to doing was eating the suggested pasta. This week’s drop of 3.7 pounds has really done a lot to get me charged up about eating right and let’s face it, pasta is no one’s friend (even though the whole grain rotini, if you can find it, is great).

Even though I had the benefit of feeling more human I have to admit that the workout tonight really kicked me in the rear. I don’t know if it was from my condition or the fact that I usually do this in the morning but for me the workout was very challenging. It doesn’t help that it was another leg intensive workout which always gets the body heat up and the blood pumping and I will also freely admit that I dogged it a bit. The great thing about the EA Sports Active is that after I was able to belay my guilt by doing a custom workout to make up those 100 calories I had just skimped on. I did a sampling of all of the “Sports” activities split up by different versions of the Targets and Bags boxing which also kicked me in the rear but in a really good way.

My only regret at having done this so late is the one to two hour wind down I will need in order to get to sleep. I also drink too many liquids after working out so I just know I will be interrupting my sleep as well. All in the name if the greater good however.


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