I really had the best of intentions when I said that I would sit down and write something every day this year. It was aggressive, it was bold, and it was just a senseless and stupid thing to try to do.

I know that saying a goal of trying to improve my writing by actually flexing that writing muscle every day probably isn’t the best way to frame things however I really should have known better. My original plan was to at least use my iPhone to sit down and write things while on the train. I quickly learned, however, that trying to type things with just my two thumbs on a very hard to use keyboard was a definite hinderance to the creative process.

The reality is that while on a commuter train the space is cramped, I’m not exactly a small guy and trying to use a laptop just isn’t practical. I have to find another way. I’m hoping I have found another way. Only time will tell. Even if this new way works I have to overcome another hurdle: trying to write about something first thing in the morning or at the end of the work day when my brain isn’t exactly in top form. Again, time will tell.

I hope the year is going well for all of you out in Internet land. Mine seems to be taking some really interesting and exciting turns that I hope I get a chance to talk more about soon.


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