I just overcame a technological hurdle after changing web hosts. I’m glad I finally did because I haven’t been happy for along time with my last host because they royally sucked when it came to keeping my sites secure. Security aside the added benefit of my blogging software working again is the aforementioned hurdle that now allows me to once again sit on a train and type this into the net-o-sphere.

If you re-read that last paragraph you may notice at I said sites and not just site. I have more domain names than I know what to do with. I only wish I was able to support my family and provide them with the quality of life we’ve come to expect while being able to dedicate my working day to all of the ideas that I have for all of these domains. I want to create. I enjoy creating. I want my creations to entertain people. Is it wrong to want to do these things and make money at the same time? I’m sure many a struggling artist would tell me where to stick my wants but you need a destination to move forward to, don’t you?

I have a belief that it is an individuals sheer force of will that makes these types of desires become a reality. If you want it you have to struggle for it to show the universe that you’ve earned it, you deserve it, and you will care for it once you get it. This may be some holistic type of hippy bullshit thinking but it seems to have proven itself time and time again in my life. If you seem something happen over and over, if you see the pattern that keeps occurring, you would have to be pretty dense to not capitalize on it. I think I’m at the point where I need to capitalize on it, figure out my roadmap on how to do that, and take some action.

In a completely unrelated note from the stream of consciousness that comes from typing on a train I have to ask the masses why they have to have loud and obnoxious ringtones on their cellphones? I keep mine on vibrate out of respect to those around me. You don’t need what you are doing interrupted by the Super Mario Theme or Ozzy screaming “All aboard…” before the Crazy Train riff kicks in so I keep it quiet to be kind. Is this me being over-considerate or are others rude? Thoughts?

This train ride is just about up and I want to see what my buddy Trent is up to on his Less of Him adventure.


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